Much like my previous venture into documenting UFO sightings, I embark on this new journey with a weighty heart. However, the source of my current frustration differs from the clash of religious beliefs that shaped my upbringing. The sightings I was once fortunate enough to witness abruptly halted their dance in mid-2018 and have since remained absent during my time residing in Melbourne, Victoria.

In my earlier work, I expounded upon the anticipation of these sightings naturally coming to a close due to scheduled shutdowns at CERN. This time, the duration of dormancy stretched not just for two years, but a span of four years—a prolonged cessation coinciding with the very period in which the sightings flourished, precisely when CERN was reactivated.

Having relocated to Adelaide, South Australia, in late 2021, the unfolding narrative takes a turn into uncharted territory. This relocation means that the outcome of a pivotal event might forever remain beyond my grasp. In April 2022, CERN regained its pulsating activity, igniting the prospect that a span of four years since my last sighting in 2018 might have birthed a renewed wave of remarkable aerial anomalies over Melbourne.

Chapter 4 

The Holographic UFO

Estimating the size of the Holographic UFO

16MP Digital Camera
Sensor size = 6.2 mm x 4.6 mm
Average = 5.4 mm (0.0054 m)
Size of image = 60 mm (0.06 m)
Vertical height on screen = 150 mm
% of screen taken by object = 40
% of above compare with Sensor size (mm) = 2.16 mm (0.00216 m)
1,000 mm (focal length used ~ 1,000 mm) = 1 m

Object size = (% sensor size * object distance from camera) / (focal length)
To calculate size of object (m) = ((0.00216 x 1,004) / (2)) = 1.08 m (3.5 ft)

The initial encounter with this object served as its first attempt at communication. Despite a moderate breeze, the “sheet of paper” defied gravity and remained suspended throughout its trajectory. Observing it as it glided past my window from right to left, I couldn’t help but feel an inexplicable connection. While others may not have perceived anything extraordinary in this unassuming event—a light-coloured sheet of paper floating 130 to 160 feet (40 to 50 metres)—I found myself reacting in a way that surpassed logical explanation. Looking back, I realise that I must have subconsciously known, in advance, what I was about to experience. But what else could it be?

I found a need to explore the depths of this enigma, unravelling the hidden layers and seeking answers to the questions that have consumed me. Delving into the realms of interdimensional communication, consciousness, and the nature of perception with tangible evidence and personal accounts, painted a vivid picture of a world that exists beyond the boundaries of our everyday reality. While investigating this object in detail I found my beliefs challenged igniting my imagination.